Type Book – the first Type Specimen Book of Cooper & Beatty, 1927


The first Cooper & Beatty type specimen book was issued while they were still operating out of Noble Scott Printers at 102 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Shortly after it was published, they moved to 196 Adelaide Street West (note the handwritten change on the title page), where they remained until 1959. The book is carefully designed and printed; with its heavily embossed cover, symmetrical and hierarchical layout, and ornate borders and flourishes, it nicely captured the predominant typographic feeling of the early 20th century, less modernist than a polished application of traditional humanist forms. Buyers of typesetting needed good specimen books to help them chose the right typefaces for a job, and the big typesetting companies spent lavishly on their books. Judging from some of the later typefaces shown in this book, it appears this was Cooper & Beatty’s principal type specimen until well after World War II. This book was still in use when W. E. ‘Jack’ Trevett and a small group of employees bought the company in 1950. – Rod McDonald

  • Category
    Trade and Craft

    Type Book, Cooper & Beatty, Limited, Trade Composing Room


    Cooper & Beatty, Limited

    Typography: Cooper & Beatty

    Principal Typefaces
    Cover: Goudy Oldstyle, various weights
    Text: Garamond (Lanston Monotype), various typefaces

    Hardcover, 7-ring binder, 112 pp. (including later additions)
    Size: 9.75 × 11.875 inches




    Canadian Typography Archives

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