Almanack, Nova Scotia, Elizabeth Gay, 1806

Cover of Elizabeth Gay’s 1806 Almanack. The imprint at the bottom reads: Printed and sold by E.GAY at her Printing-Office, Sackville Street, near the Halifax Grammar-School. Source: Atlantic Canadian Imprints: A Bibliography, 1801-1820, by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, University of Toronto Press, 1991, p. 74.

View of Halifax. Woodcut from Archibald Gay’s Almanack of 1804. This woodcut originally appeared in Anthony Henry’s Nova Scotia Calender for 1793. Source: Wikitree.


Women rarely appear in the records of our early printers. Elizabeth Gay is a wonderful exception. Women have always printed but their work has rarely been acknowledged and it is rare to see their name in an imprint. Early print shops were often a combination of print shop and family residence with apprentices frequently living with the family. It was inevitable that women would help in the family business where they were often just as skilled as the men. Printing was also often a family craft passed from one generation to the next and through marriage between printing families. Daughters of printers would also have been taught to take on many of the tasks in the shop. Because they were not eligible for entry to the craft through regular apprenticeship, their work was seldom recorded in imprints, contracts, pay books or other public records.

Very little is known about Elizabeth, but she is typical of women printers at that time. She married Archibald Gay, February 9, 1785. She was widowed when he died in 1805, leaving her with four young children to support. She kept the Nova Scotia Gazette and Weekly Advertiser going, under her own imprint, until July 22, 1806 when she sold it. The actual press and types were sold a couple of times and eventually ended up in the hands of John Howe.

Archibald Hinshelwood Gay

Archibald Gay (1761–1805) apprenticed with Anthony Henry and when Henry died in 1801, he took over printing the Nova Scotia Gazette and Weekly Advertiser. He also printed religious works and four almanacs before his death in 1805, at the age of 44.


Atlantic Canadian Imprints: A Bibliography, 1801-1820, by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, University of Toronto Press, 1991.


  • Category
    Early Printing and Type

    1806 Almanack, Elizabeth Gay


    Printer: Elizabeth Gay

    Principal Typefaces

    1806 Almanac
    Size: unknown

    Nova Scotia




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    Notes copyright: Notes accompanying artifacts are licenced under Creative Commons licensing CCbyNC which allows for non-commercial use with attribute.

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